
Lithology strongly influences soil microbial traits and edaphic factors and in turn soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics. However, the effect of lithology on microbial traits, edaphic factors and resulting SOC physical fractions variation along soil depth remains inadequately understood in karst faulted basin of China. This understanding is critical for improving SOC stability. By separating SOC into labile particulate organic carbon (POC) and stable mineral-associated organic carbon (MAOC) over karst limestone and non-karst shale soil in a subtropical coniferous forest, we aimed to assess potential regulatory mechanisms underlying lithology-associated SOC stability variations across soil depth by integrating soil nutrients, mineralogical characteristics, and microbial traits. We found that SOC and its fractions were higher in limestone than in shale soil, which implying vegetation restoration effects on SOC and its fractions partly depending on lithology. Additionally, we found that the effects of soil depth on SOC and its fractions were greater in limestone soils than shale soils, and the ratios of MAOC to SOC (MAOC:SOC) and MAOC to POC (MAOC:POC) show a opposite trend in response to soil depth between two the lithologies. Variation partitioning and random forest analyses revealed that among multiple factors, the variation of SOC stability assessed via MAOC:SOC was mainly explained by microbial traits than soil nutrients and mineral properties. Contrast to soil depth, structural equation modeling analyses showed that lithology was the primary factor controlling the SOC stability when microbial traits, soil nutrients and mineralogical characteristics were controlled as conditional variables. Overall, these results highlight the crucial role of lithology in regulating the SOC stability along soil depth, which improve our understanding and management of soil carbon (C) pool in karst faulted basin of southwest China.

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