
This article examines certain deficiencies in UK defense capabilities and offers specific suggestions as to how London may want to address those weaknesses and retain its global influence post-Brexit. Of singular importance for the UK is its ‘special relationship’ with the United States. It has used that relationship for decades to increase British global influence even as its military and economic power declined relative to other global powers. This article argues it will be that relationship which will continue to provide London global influence beyond what it could achieve in its absence especially after its withdrawal from the European Union, and offers concrete steps that London could take to maintain its relevance to Washington moving into the coming decades, even as emerging power centers in Europe and Asia vie for American attention. Chief among the suggestions is a UK ‘pivot’ to Asia similar to that being conducted by Washington. Although London has taken tentative steps in that direction this article argues the UK should commit to a permanent military presence ‘east of Suez’ going beyond current plans for basing in the Middle East to reestablishing a permanent presence in South East Asia as well.

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