We give a new formula for all tree-level correlators of boundary field insertions in gauged N=8 supergravity in AdS_4; this is an analog of the tree-level S-matrix in anti-de Sitter space. The formula is written in terms of rational maps from the Riemann sphere to twistor space, with no reference to bulk perturbation theory. It is polynomial in the cosmological constant, and equal to the classical scattering amplitudes of supergravity in the flat space limit. The formula is manifestly supersymmetric, independent of gauge choices on twistor space, and equivalent to expressions computed via perturbation theory at 3-point MHV-bar and n-point MHV. We also show that the formula factorizes and obeys BCFW recursion in twistor space.
We show that the formula factorizes and obeys BCFW recursion in twistor space
In order to show that (2.6) obeys this recursion relation, we must demonstrate that it has the correct large q behavior under the BCFW shift, and that it factorizes on a simple pole in the moduli of the rational map to twistor space
We proposed a formula for all tree-level correlators of gauged N = 8 supergravity in AdS4 based on rational maps from the Riemann sphere to twistor space
Twistor space PT is an open subset of CP3|N and can be charted with homogeneous coordinates. The superconformal group SL(4|N , C) acts as linear transformations on these projective coordinates, so twistors are a natural set of variables for manifesting superconformal invariance. This fact underlies their utility in the study of N = 4 super-Yang-Mills theory (cf., [39]). To describe gravitational theories some additional structure is needed on PT to break superconformal invariance. This structure is known as the infinity twistor [40, 41]. After briefly reviewing the role of the infinity twistor, we present our formula and explain its structure
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