Using the Sasaki-Nakamura equation, we have computed the energy, linear and angular momentum of the gravitational radiation induced by a particle of mass /1 and angular momentum /1L z plunging in an equatorial plane into a Kerr black hole of mass M(~/1) and angular momentum Ma. It is found that the total energy LlE (/1/ M )/1C 2 is emitted by the particle with sufficient large orbital angular momentum. For the same value of ILzl, a corotating particle emits more energy than a counter-rotating one. We have also calculated the energy from a rotating ring plunging into a Kerr black hole. In this case, we have found' that a corotating ring emits less gravitational energy than a counter-rotating one for the same ILzl. The maximum of the linear momentum is 6 x 102 (/1/ M )/1C, which suggests the recoil velocity of the coalesced black hole is 160 km/s for /1=0.1 M. Since Davis et al. l ) first calculated the energy by a particle of mass f..l falling into a Schwarzschild black hole of mass M (~f..l), many calculations have been performed for the energy, linear and angular momentum radiated by a particle or particles falling into a black hole. 2 )-4) However, for a Kerr black hole case, before the discovery of the Sasaki Nakamura equation,5) there existed only the work-by Detweiler 6 ) for the luminosity from a particle in a circular orbit. The Teukolsky equation,7) which governs the perturbations of the Kerr black hole, has a long range potential and divergent source terms, which prevented us from the actual numerical calculations in generic cases. Sasaki and Nakamura got rid of these difficulties by discovering a new transformation. Using the Sasaki -Nakamura equation, Nakamura and Sasaki 5),8) first calculated the energy from a particle falling along the symmetry axis of the Kerr black hole. Nakamura and Haugan 9 ) calculated the linear momentum for the same case. The present authors lO ) have calculated the gravitational radiation from a particle of mass f..l with zero orbital angular momentum plunging in the equatorial plane (e = 7[/ 2 plane) into a Kerr black hole of mass M(~f..l) and angular momentum Ma. They confirmed the quasi-normal modes ll ) of the ,Kerr black hole. The energy for a=O.99M is 4.45xIO- 2 (f..l 2 /M)c2 which is 4.27 times larger than that for a=O case. In this paper, we examine more general cases than those considered in the previous papers. We calculate tpe energy, momentum and angular momentum of gravitational waves radiated, when a test particle of mass f..l with the orbital angular momentum f..lLz plunges in the equatorial plane into a Kerr black hole of mass M(~f..l) and angular momentum Ma. In §2, we show our mathematical formalism briefly. We will use the Sasaki-Nakamura equation instead of the Teukolsky equation. In §3, the numerical results are given. Section 4 is devoted to some discussion and astrophysical implications of the numerical results. Throughout this paper, we will represent a Kerr black hole by Boyer-Lindquist coordinates with (t, r, e, ¢) and use units of c = G = M = 1.
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