
Acute water cataclysm on account of eco-noxious anthropogenic exploitation caused massive setbacks on the global prerequisite of clean water. Subsequently, with the purpose of circumventing the worldwide unpolluted water deficiency, wastewater treatment technologies have received extraordinary precedence to disinfect water for a sustainable environment. Presently, diverse, efficient materials are being used to remove organic/ inorganic noxious substances from wastewater, among which graphene and its composites have received remarkable attention for water decontamination technology by virtue of their substantial surface area, mechanical strength, mesoporosity, nanosheet arrangement and outstanding absorption proficiency for the contaminant. The present review accentuates the contemporary progresses in the implementation of graphene along with its composite as a potential adsorbent for the exclusion of pernicious inorganic mixture of miscellaneous pollutants, as photocatalysts for the breakdown of venomous organic toxins by employing photocatalytic oxidation. The prospect of graphene and its nanocomposites towards comprehensive water treatment approaches has been discussed.

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