
Nowadays, Graph Traversal (GT) is a fundamental procedure for developing a measure in computing systems and algorithms. Graph traversal algorithms usually iterate input datasets of a graph to provide a logical convergence in every iteration. Graphic Processing Units (GPUs) have been utilized broadly as accelerators of GT due to their massive parallelism and accessibility of high-transfer speed memory. Furthermore, graph-based computation is pervasive and challenging for memory systems implementation in a specific time period. This paper provides quadratic and single GPUs, allowing developers to extend graph-based GPU computation effortlessly. The paper concentrates on the creditability and validation of sparse graphs in GPUs. Since the benchmark characteristic of Breadth-First Search (BFS) plays a critical role in graphs, this paper considers a primary characteristic benchmark for BFS computation usage. This paper explores the effectiveness and applicability of BFS for analyzing graph systems by utilizing the mentioned characteristics in BFS computation. This paper also utilizes the penalization of GPU BFS during the analysis and simulation results. In addition, using a comparative simulation result, this paper concludes that improved traversal rates speed up the computation and reduce memory usage for the single and quadratic GPU structures.

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