
Granger causality-based effective brain connectivity provides a powerful tool to probe the neural mechanism for information processing and the potential features for brain computer interfaces. However, in real applications, traditional Granger causality is prone to the influence of outliers, such as inevitable ocular artifacts, resulting in unreasonable brain linkages and the failure to decipher inherent cognition states. In this work, motivated by constructing the sparse causality brain networks under the strong physiological outlier noise conditions, we proposed a dual Laplacian Granger causality analysis (DLap-GCA) by imposing Laplacian distributions on both model parameters and residuals. In essence, the first Laplacian assumption on residuals will resist the influence of outliers in electroencephalogram (EEG) on causality inference, and the second Laplacian assumption on model parameters will sparsely characterize the intrinsic interactions among multiple brain regions. Through simulation study, we quantitatively verified its effectiveness in suppressing the influence of complex outliers, the stable capacity for model estimation, and sparse network inference. The application to motor-imagery (MI) EEG further reveals that our method can effectively capture the inherent hemispheric lateralization of MI tasks with sparse patterns even under strong noise conditions. The MI classification based on the network features derived from the proposed approach shows higher accuracy than other existing traditional approaches, which is attributed to the discriminative network structures being captured in a timely manner by DLap-GCA even under the single-trial online condition. Basically, these results consistently show its robustness to the influence of complex outliers and the capability of characterizing representative brain networks for cognition information processing, which has the potential to offer reliable network structures for both cognitive studies and future brain-computer interface (BCI) realization.

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