
Technologies already provide people with sophisticated and powerful digital ecosystems for lifelong and life-wide education. This article identifies grand challenges for ubiquitous and pervasive computing researchers to transform future education. It begins with a scenario to characterize learning on a day in 2030. Then it overviews broader educational needs and the pervasive computing elements for realizing them: mobile devices; embedded devices; importantly pervasive data infrastructures; and multidisciplinary foundations. Then it presents the grand challenges: 1) smart learning environments that feel safe, trusted, scrutable and controllable; 2) harness long-term, rich data for self-knowledge and shared understanding; 3) long-term personal digital learning companions; 4) augment classroom teacher’s awareness and memory; 5) smart classrooms that seamlessly fit into teaching and learning; 6) metaresearch to understand if and when technology really supports learning.

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