
Grain filling patterns and their relationships withzeatin (Z), zeatin riboside (ZR), indole-3-acetic acid(IAA) and gibberellin (GA) contents in the grains androots during grain development were examined in sixrice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes grown in thefield and in water culture. Three grain fillingpatterns based on the filling rate of superior andinferior spikelets were observed, i.e., fastsynchronous: all spikelets started filling early andfast at the early filling stage; slowsynchronous: all spikelets filled slowly at the earlyfilling stage and reached the maximum filling ratelate; and asynchronous: superior spikeletsstarted filling and reached the maximum filling ratemuch earlier than the inferior ones. The order ofgrain filling percentage in the three types of grainfilling patterns was: fast synchronous >asynchronous > slow synchronous. Changes in Z + ZRcontents in the superior and inferior spikelets wereassociated with the grain filling patterns. Grainfilling percentage was significantly correlated withZ + ZR contents in the grains and roots at the earlyand middle grain filling stages. IAA and GA(GA1 + GA3 + GA4)contents in the grains and roots were notsignificantly correlated with grain fillingpercentage. The results suggest that cytokinins in thegrains and roots during the early phase of graindevelopment play an important role in regulating grainfilling pattern and consequently influence grainfilling percentage.

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