
The faceting of a cylindric tilt grain boundary (GB) in Cu bicrystal has been studied. The crystal lattices of both grains give rise to a superlattice called coincidence site lattice (CSL) with inverse density of coincidence sites Σ = 3. The (100) C S L , (210) C S L, (130) C S L facets and the non-CSL 82°9R facet develop upon annealing at 0.95 T m , where T m is the melting temperature. The ratio of GB energy σ G B and surface energy σ s u r of the specimen was measured applying atomic force microscopy from the profile of the GB thermal groove formed upon additional annealing. The influence of deviation from the exact coincidence misorientation θ Σ , Δθ = ‖θ - θ Σ ‖, has been studied on the basis of electron backscattering diffraction patterns. The Wulff-Herring diagrams were constructed using measured σ G B / σ s u r values, revealing stable and metastable GB facets. T m is lower than the roughening temperature for the (100) C S L and 9R facets facets in Cu.

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