
On March 11, 2020 the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic (World Health Organization, 2020). At this time many universities and schools in the United States decided to move to strictly online learning. This study sought to investigate how graduate students in five health professional programs at a private university in Virginia were impacted by and coping in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This study, which utilized an anonymous survey, brought to light five different themes regarding what students saw as their biggest challenge. These themes included learning difficulties, pandemic specific concerns, mental health, maintenance of routine/schedule, and family responsibilities. Respondents were also asked if they felt students could be utilized in any capacity if another pandemic were to arise. Students felt that they could be helpful in assisting medical professionals, public health outreach, volunteer work and assisting fellow students. Through this research, information about how pandemics affect graduate health care students can be better understood, and highlight potential solutions by extension, in the setting of a future pandemic.

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