Wide gap II-VI semiconductors are still in the center of interest as they can be applied in bandgap engineering, interband and intersubband transitions, diluted materials, and devices. It is because of the possibility of tuning material properties by alloying to get the required parameters of devices.The paper shows the application of piezoelectric photothermal spectroscopy to determine the energy gap and the thermal diffusivity of CdxZn1−xSe mixed crystals. It is shown that both of these parameters could be obtained due to the measurements and the interpretation of the piezoelectric photothermal phase spectra.The influence of the surface preparation on the character of the amplitude and phase piezoelectric photothermal spectra is investigated for Cd0.3Zn0.7Se and Cd0.5Zn0.5Se samples and presented. The proper method of surface treatment of the material is essential for the device quality, and the piezoelectric photothermal method gives the possibility to choose and evaluate the appropriate one.The character of the dependences of the energy gap values and thermal diffusivities of CdxZn1−xSe crystals on their composition is investigated and presented.
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