
Abstract Wavelet-based grid resolution adaptation driven by the ‘multiresolution analysis’ (MRA) of the Haar wavelet (HW) allows to devise an adaptive first-order finite volume (FV1) model (HWFV1) that can readily preserve the modelling fidelity of its reference uniform-grid FV1 counterpart. However, the MRA entails an enormous computational effort as it involves ‘encoding’ (coarsening), ‘decoding’ (refining), analysing and traversing modelled data across a deep hierarchy of nested, uniform grids. GPU-parallelisation of the MRA is needed to handle its computational effort, but its algorithmic structure (1) hinders coalesced memory access on the GPU and (2) involves an inherently sequential tree traversal problem. This work redesigns the algorithmic structure of the MRA in order to parallelise it on the GPU, addressing (1) by applying Z-order space-filling curves and (2) by adopting a parallel tree traversal algorithm. This results in a GPU-parallelised HWFV1 model (GPU-HWFV1). GPU-HWFV1 is verified against its CPU predecessor (CPU-HWFV1) and its GPU-parallelised reference uniform-grid counterpart (GPU-FV1) over five shallow water flow test cases. GPU-HWFV1 preserves the modelling fidelity of GPU-FV1 while being up to 30 times faster. Compared to CPU-HWFV1, it is up to 200 times faster, suggesting that the GPU-parallelised MRA could be used to speed up other FV1 models.

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