
The latest survey on the level of public satisfaction with the performance of President Joko Widodo LSI April 2023 shows a figure of 82 percent, the Indonesian political indicators survey also recorded a figure of 79.2 SMRC shows a figure of 81.7 percent. This high public satisfaction is the question, how is the rhetoric and political communication carried out by the government in the practice of administering government, Aristotle's Rhetorical theory developed by Richard West and Lynn H Turner and the qualitative phenomenological approach used found that; The government's political rhetoric and communication combines the concepts of ethos, logos and pathos with leadership values developed by Ki Hajar Dewantara, namely Ing Ngarso Sung Tulodo, Ing Madyo Mangun Karso and Tut Wuri Handayani. The "ethos" of the government is seen as a person who is quite honest and has good intentions. to build the nation and state as an example, "logos", regarding evidence and claims about the efforts made by the government can be seen directly by the public, while from "pathos" shows feelings or emotions and the public's closeness to their leaders.

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