
Environmental health and transportation governance in New York City (NYC) is difficult to characterize because of the sheer number of stakeholders who participate in its process and shape its outcomes. This paper uses the development of New York City wide plans as a window to environmental health and transportation governance and its evolution over the last decade in the City. It examines how decisions are made, and who and what influence those decisions. The paper maps the governance process and the stakeholders who play a role in governance in the space where environment, health and transportation decisions intersect. It analyzes the engagement of technical experts, community and stewardship groups to deepen understanding of governance. Factors that shape governance including cultural logic, knowledge awareness, commitment to environmental quality, technical expertise, mechanisms for participatory decision making, balance of power, coordination among government bodies, institutional attitudes and practices are examined. The paper focuses on the process of developing PlaNYC in 2007 and OneNYC in 2014 as a prism to assess the character of environmental health and transportation governance in New York City and its evolution. The analysis informs our understanding of access and power relations in the process of governance. Evidence suggests that the new face of governance is one rooted in the involvement of citizens in arenas that were traditionally reserved for government. This is a form of government that citizens are increasingly expecting and demanding.

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