Namen članka je pokazati, da novi migracijski pojavi izboljšujejo videz in družbenoekonomski položaj v gorskih območjih Furlanije - Julijske krajine. Na tem območju so vasi skoraj pol stoletja (od 50. let 20. stoletja) trpele zaradi dolgotrajnega upadanja prebivalstva, pešanja gospodarske dejavnosti, slabšanja infrastrukture, upadanja storitev in socialne izolacije. Zapuščene vasi so poimenovane tudi »vasi duhov«. Trenutno se trend obrača, o čemer priča pričujoča raziskava, ki temelji na preučitvi trenutnega stanja, analizi uradnih statističnih podatkov ter primarnih podatkih na podlagi intervjujev. Rezultati kažejo, da priseljenci prinašajo inovacije tako v kmetijstvu in turizmu kot tudi na umetniškem in kulturnem področju ter igrajo ključno vlogo pri prenovi obstoječih objektov, ponovni uporabi zemljišč in vzpostavljanju ustvarjalne dinamike. Njihove dejavnosti vse bolj omogočajo regeneracijo in vzdrževanje alpskih kulturnih pokrajin, posledično pa nastajajo nove družbene in agrarne strukture z novimi načini kmetovanja. Proces regeneracije lahko služi kot primer dobre prakse za druga delno zapuščena naselja v gorskih območjih.
 The mountainous areas of Friuli-Venezia Giulia between social and economic exclusion and new settlement models. Is it a trend inversion?
 This article aims to demonstrate that migration phenomena improve the appearance and socio-economic position in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia mountain areas. In this area, mountain villages have been suffering from a long-term decline in population, economic activity, deteriorating infrastructure, decreasing services, and social isolation for almost half a century (since the 1950s). These depopulated villages are also referred to as »ghost villages«. However, the trend is now reversing, as evidenced by this research. The study is based on an analysis of the current situation, official statistical data, and primary data from interviews conducted in the area. The results show that newcomers bring innovations in agriculture, tourism, arts, and culture and play a key role in renovating existing structures, reusing land, and establishing a creative dynamic. Their activities increasingly enable the regeneration and maintenance of alpine cultural landscapes, resulting in the emergence of new social and agricultural structures with novel farming practices. The processes of regeneration may serve as a good practice example for other partially abandoned settlements in mountain areas.
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