
The largest business in terms of capitali­zation value, revenues and profits was formed as a result of a business combination. Consolidated financial statements are of undoubted value to users and stakeholders in assessing risks, prospects and analyzing the interaction of companies within the group. Special indicators of consolidated financial statements, such as goodwill, allow estimating the expected value of acquired companies in a business combination. However, the current methodology does not allow for the evaluation of all aspects of value that constitute goodwill. The aim of the article is to supplement the methods of goodwill valuation in business combinations for further substan­tiated disclosure in consolidated finan­cial statements, in accordance with the interests and needs of investors and managers. The research methodology is based on a systematic approach, critical analysis, synthesis, induction and deduc­tion, comparison, economic-mathematical methods of goodwill calculation, and genera­lization of principles of consolidated reporting. An analysis of key international standards allowed us to determine the peculiarities of applying the acquisition method for different types of business combinations. The share of ownership in an investee determines the nature of influence and the method of consolidation. Goodwill is the difference between the purchase price and the fair value of the net assets acquired in a business combination. When companies merge, goodwill reflects the intangible aspects of the business and the expected added value, which serves as the investment object. Therefore, methods for valuing goodwill during business combinations are identified to disclose in consolidated finan­cial statements in accordance with IFRS. Additionally, a group of complementary good­will valuation methods is systematized to determine and justify all aspects of forming the undisclosed added value of the investee compa­ny. The proposed methodology allows for considering the interests of various stakeholders in goodwill valuation. It is crucial to regard the goodwill disclosed in the financial statements as consent and willingness of the parent company to pay more, based on evidence and calculations obtained through a comprehensive goodwill valuation methodology. The proven hypothesis of the research suggests that for a justified valuation of goodwill during consolidation, it is necessary to supplement existing approaches and measure the value of brand, long-term stability, sustainable development, corporate so­ci­al responsibility, and utilize artificial intelli­gence. Goodwill reflects strategic value but may also be subject to impairment if its value is not sufficiently supported by expected profits.

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