
The practical training is a significant and obligatory part of the whole training process of the pedagogy students in the specialties for the educational and qualification degrees of Bachelor and Master and of the post-graduate qualification trainees. The professional and practical training of the students obtaining the professional qualification of teacher is regulated in the Order for the unified state requirements for the higher education obtaining with the professional qualification of teacher [5]. The study is focused on the attitudes and the evaluations of the mentor-teachers because they are the direct bearers of the necessary professional qualities to be acquired by the students. They are also the subjects of the good pedagogical practices and to a great extend of the innovations. The mentor-teachers determine the nearest perspective for the student progress and they form the following interaction: student /trainee teacher/ - training teacher /mentor/ - pupil, where the practical education results are manifested. Methods of the study: inquiry investigation, mathematical and statistical analysis. Results and conclusions: The study shows that the training teachers support the up-dating of the student practical training putting the accent on the activity and the motivation of the trainee teachers. An important result of the study is the positive attitudes of the training teachers toward the partnership with the higher school in the context of the whole life learning and their own professional development.

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