
The research objective is as follows: to improve organization of educational practice of students - future specialists in the sphere of land management and real estate cadastre in terms of optimization of educational outcomes in practical training (readiness for professional activity, formation of professional competences, competent presentation of outcomes, etc.). The article considers the problem of organizing educational practice of students of the “Land Management and Cadastres” training area; justifies the role of educational practice in training specialists in the sphere of land management and real estate cadastre; examines new legal requirements for practical training outcomes; reveals a possibility for cooperation in organizing educational practice by the example of an electronic educational resource. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that the researcher identifies the role of practice and practical training in students’ professional development, proposes a model of an educational practice program for students of the “Land Management and Cadastres” training area, justifies efficiency of using electronic educational resources while organizing educational practice under the conditions of education digitalization. The conclusion is made that students’ conscious perception of educational practice, understanding its goals, tasks, outcomes is achieved under the condition of equal participation of educational and profiled organizations in formulation of educational practice tasks.

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