
Given a formal at meromorphic connection over an excellent scheme over a field of characteristic zero, in a previous paper we established existence of good formal structures and a good Deligne–Malgrange lattice after suitably blowing up. In this paper, we reinterpret and re fine these results by introducing some related structures. We consider the turning locus , which is the set of points at which one cannot achieve a good formal structure without blowing up. We show that when the polar divisor has normal crossings, the turning locus is of pure codimension 1 within the polar divisor, and hence of pure codimension 2 within the full space; this had been previously established by André in the case of a smooth polar divisor. We also construct an irregularity sheaf and its associated b-divisor, which measure irregularity along divisors on blowups of the original space; this generalizes another result of André on the semicontinuity of irregularity in a curve fibration. One concrete consequence of these re finements is a process for resolution of turning points which is functorial with respect to regular morphisms of excellent schemes; this allows us to transfer the result from schemes to formal schemes, complex analytic varieties, and nonarchimedean analytic varieties.

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