
Archaea are an understudied component of the human microbiome. In this study, the gut archaeome and bacteriome of 60 healthy adults from different region were analyzed by whole-genome shotgun sequencing. Archaea were ubiquitously found in a wide range of abundances, reaching up to 7.2 %. The dominant archaeal phylum was Methanobacteriota, specifically the family Methanobacteriaceae, encompassing more than 50 % of Archaea in 50 samples. The previously underestimated Thermoplasmatota, mostly composed of Methanomassiliicoccaceae, dominated in 10 subjects (>50 %) and was present in all others except one. Halobacteriota, the sole other archaeal phylum, occurred in negligible concentration, except for two samples (4.6–4.8 %). This finding confirmed that the human gut archaeome is primarily composed of methanogenic organisms and among the known methanogenic pathway: i) hydrogenotrophic reduction of CO2 is the predominant, being the genus Methanobrevibacter and the species Methanobrevibacter smithii the most abundant in the majority of the samples; ii) the second pathway, that involved Methanomassiliicoccales, was the hydrogenotrophic reduction of methyl-compounds; iii) dismutation of acetate or methyl-compounds seemed to be absent. Co-occurrence analysis allowed to unravel correlations between Archaea and Bacteria that shapes the overall structure of the microbial community, allowing to depict a clearer picture of the human gut archaeome.

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