
In recent years, the spectrum of possible applications of gold in diagnostics and therapeutic approaches in clinical practice has changed significantly, becoming surprisingly broad. Nowadays, gold-based therapeutic agents are used in the therapy of multiple human diseases, ranging from degenerative to infectious diseases and, in particular, to cancer. At the basis of these performances of gold, there is the development of new gold-based nanoparticles, characterized by a promising risk/benefit ratio that favors their introduction in clinical trials. Gold nanoparticles appear as attractive elements in nanomedicine, a branch of modern clinical medicine, which combines high selectivity in targeting tumor cells and low toxicity. Thanks to these peculiar characteristics, gold nanoparticles appear as the starting point for the development of new gold-based therapeutic strategies in oncology. Here, the new gold-based therapeutic agents developed in recent years are described, with particular emphasis on the possible applications in clinical practice as anticancer agents, with the aim that their application will give rise to a new golden age in oncology and a breakthrough in the fight against cancer.


  • Research into gold-based drugs for a range of human diseases has seen a revival in recent years, revealing a new potential for an old metal, with the perspective of multiple applications in clinical practice [1]

  • Gold nanoparticles with a size of ∼13 nm have been shown to concurrently possess superior computed tomography (CT) contrast ability and significant radioactive disruption, allowing both enhanced CT imaging and radiotherapy therapeutic approach may represent an important tool in anticancer research that is able to improve antitumor treatment outcomes in chemo-resistant and radio-resistant tumors [54]

  • Gold nanoparticles inhibit the proliferation and migration of Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs), thereby preventing the crosstalk between the pancreatic cancer cells and the peritumoral fibroblasts. This ability of AuNPs is probably related to their activity in modulating the cellular secretome to reduce the growth of desmoplastic tissue and inhibit tumor cell growth [63]. These results suggest that gold nanoparticles sensitize pancreatic cancer cells to gemcitabine

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Research into gold-based drugs for a range of human diseases has seen a revival in recent years, revealing a new potential for an old metal, with the perspective of multiple applications in clinical practice [1]. AA nnaannooppaarrttiicclleeccaannbbee ccoonnssiiddeerreeddtthhee ssiimmpplleesstt ssttrruuccttuurree,, wwiitthh aa ssiizzee iinn tthhee rraannggee ooff nnaannoommeetteerrss. GGoolldd nnaannooppaarrttiicclleess ((AAuuNNPPss))aarreeggeenneerraallllyypprroodduucceeddbbyyrreedduuccttiioonnooffcchhlloorrooaauurriiccaacciidd((FFiigguurree22)):: tthhee AAuu33++ioionnssaarreerreedduucceeddttoonneeuuttrraallggoollddaattoommssbbyymmeeaannss ooff ddiiffffeerreenntt rreedduucciinngg aaggeennttss;; wwhheenn tthhee ssoolluuttiioonn bbeeccoommeess ssuuppeerrssaattuurraatteedd,, ggoolldd pprreecciippiittaatteess iinn ssuubbnnaannoommeetteerr ppaarrttiicclleess. SSeevveerraall vvaarriieettiieess ooff naannooppaarrttiicclleess wwiitthh bbiioommeeddiiccaall rreelleevvaannccee hhaavvee bbeeeenn ddeevveellooppeedd iinn recenntt yeaarrss,, inclluuddiinngg mettaall nanoppaarrttiicclleess,, ppoollyymmeerriicc nnaannooppaarrttiicclleess,, lliippoossoommeess,, mmiicceellleess,, qquuaannttuummddoottss,, aanndd ddeennddrriimmeerrss. AAss ddrruuggss aarree rapiiddllyy mettaabboolliizzeedd aanndd sccaavveennggeedd ffrroomm thhee bbllooooddssttrreeaamm,, oonnee ooff tthhee mmeeaannss ffoorr pprrolloonnggiinngg tthheeiirr rreessiiddeennccee ttiimmee iiss ttoo coaatt the molecuulleess wwiitthh ann iinnert ppoolylymmeer,r,usuusaullayllpyolpyoeltyheytlhenyelegnleycgoly(cPoElG()P, wEGh)ic, hwphroicthectps rtohteedctrsugthfreomdrduegletferroimousdienlteetrearcitoiuons iwntitehratchteiocnonwsittihtutehnetscoinntshtietubelnootsdisntrtehaemb. BPaRseeffdeoctn, pthhearEmPaRceeuffteiccat,l pharmaceutical nanoparticles with a higher circulation time in the blood are collected in tumor tissues with enhanced vascular permeability, and this tool is commonly used for selective drug. Pharmaceuticals 2020, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW nanoparticles with a higher circulation time in the blood are collected in tumor tissues with enhanced dvaeslicvuelrayr pinetromteuambiolirtsy,tahnrdouthgihs ptoaoslsiisvecoamccmuomnulylautisoend.

CCoollllooiiddaall GGoolldd NNaannoosspphheerres
Gold Nanorods
Gold–Silica Nanoshells
Small NIR–Tunable Gold Nanoparticles
Hybrid Gold–Albumin Nanoparticles
Gold Nanorod–Encapsulated Biodegradable Polymeric Matrix
PEGylated AuNPs
Paramagnetic AuNPs
AuNPs in Cancer Imaging and Detection
AuNPs in Anticancer Therapy
AAuuNNPPss iinn SSppeecciiffiic Tuummoorr EEnnttiittiieess
Colon Cancer
Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Hypopharynx
Prostate Cancer
Concluding Remarks

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