
God in conversation – A dialogical Christology. A world view claims to give a true picture of reality. As the insights of the sciences change our picture of reality, theology must take the new views on the world serious to maintain its integrity and the Gospel its credibility. The aim of this article is to rethink our faith in Christ (Christology) in the light of the new consciousness of the engagement between human beings and the cosmos. I would like to argue that a dynamic-dialogical (second-person) approach is the best way to be true to the Biblical message in regard to the evolutionary world view. Human beings become part of God’s ongoing activity in the world in and through the Logos incarnated in Jesus Christ. The consciousness of Jesus of Nazareth of God as his Father is the starting point in the relationship and communication between God, man and the community of faith in a dialogical Christology. The aim of this relational communication is to transform human beings and the world to fulfil God’s destiny for the whole of creation. As such, a dialogical Christology focuses on salvation as an individual and cosmic salvation. The cross and the resurrection of Jesus Christ are central in the dialogue between God, human beings and the world. The Holy Spirit guides the community of believers in this dialogue through the Bible and the sacraments, prayer and contemplation to live in the presence of God and to make a difference in an ever-changing world. Intradisciplinary and/or interdisciplinary implications: The aim of this article is to rethink, within the discplines of Systematic Theology and New Testament, our faith in Christ (Christology) in the light of the new consciousness of the engagement between human beings and the cosmos.


  • Intradisciplinary and/or interdisciplinary implications: The aim of this article is to rethink, within the discplines of Systematic Theology and New Testament, our faith in Christ (Christology) in the light of the new consciousness of the engagement between human beings and the cosmos

  • 1.‘A worldview claims to give a true picture of reality

  • 7.Die Attention Schema Theory (AST) gee aandag aan die ewolusionêre ontwikkeling van die bewussyn en kom tot die gevolgtrekking: ‘The brain evolved increasingly sophisticated mechanisms for deeply processing a few select signals at the expense of others, and in the AST, consciousness is the ultimate result of that evolutionary sequence

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Read online: Scan this QR code with your smart phone or mobile device to read online. The aim of this article is to rethink our faith in Christ (Christology) in the light of the new consciousness of the engagement between human beings and the cosmos. The consciousness of Jesus of Nazareth of God as his Father is the starting point in the relationship and communication between God, man and the community of faith in a dialogical Christology The aim of this relational communication is to transform human beings and the world to fulfil God’s destiny for the whole of creation. Die ewolusionêre wêreldbeeld het in die lig van die bevindings van die natuurwetenskappe ’n nuwe bewussyn (consciousness) van die mens se verbintenis (engagement) met die res van die kosmos gebring. 4.Gijsbert van den Brink (2017:88–98) verwys na die sterk afwysing van Charles Hodge (1797–1878) van die Princeton Theological Seminary van Darwin se bevindings en die aarseling van Abraham Kuyper (1837–1920) om die bevindings te aanvaar

Open Access
Ewolusionêre wêreldbeeld en bewussyn
Bewussyn en Christologie
Die relasionele aard van die dialogiese Christologie
Die kommunikatiewe aard van die dialogiese Christologie
Die transformerende aard van die dialogiese Christologie
Die mens se antwoord in die gesprek met God
Mededingende belange
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