
Spanish Abstract: A continuacion se describira la gobernanza en Antioquia desde los siguientes aspectos: Que entienden los diferentes actores por gobernanza. Que problemas tiene la gobernanza en el departamento. Algunos actores claves para la gobernanza del departamento, el papel que cumplen y quien toma las decisiones ?Como dificultan los diferentes intereses de los actores la planificacion, desarrollo y gestion del turismo en Antioquia? ?Cuales son los procesos colectivos que se dan para la planificacion, direccion y gestion del turismo en Antioquia y Cuales son las mesas y consejos de negociacion. English Abstract: Governance according to Maria Victoria Cardenas (2013) is a recent concept in political science, only until the 80's is installed as defined so far. This research examined the governance from different aspects and discussions on the subject, taking into account the approach of different authors, from a so-called modern conception, also inquired about governance in the department of Antioquia - Colombia. It was a descriptive exploratory study, with a qualitative approach, where the interview technique was used, focusing the analysis on the actors, their behaviors and their interactions. As initial results, it can be said that for the actors, governance is articulation and collectivity under strategic guidelines of competitiveness. One of the main problems in Antioquia is that at the departmental level there is no alignment with the national level, and each actor is pointing to particular interests. As a general conclusion it can be said that a governance model implies a more detailed knowledge of what the tourism system is; understanding how it is carried to reality, implies a more holistic, more holistic view, where differences, contradictions and the diversity of things that are happening are admitted. Because tourism is a transversal activity, this becomes much more complex.

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