
Having inspired by “The Mortality Muzzle: The effect of death thoughts on attitudes toward national security and a watchdog press” article by Cuillier et al. (2010), the current study aims to examine the effect of mortality salience and political tendencies on attitudes of university students in Turkey towards free press and free speech. Original study’s aim was to understand how Terror Management Theory’s predictions effect people’s attitudes towards a watchdog press. This study, aims to conduct a similar research in Turkey, understand how the stated factors work in Turkish culture, and see how results differ. Study was conducted in with a total of 110 university students (%61 female, %37 male, %2 unstated) taking various undergraduate and MA courses from communication faculty of a foundation university in Istanbul Turkey. Besides Terror Management Theory, results are discussed according to Turkey’s specific conditions at the time data was collected, and participants’ political tendencies. In addition, possible reasons for the differences in results are specified.

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