
The objective of the study was to analyze the relationships in adolescents, men and women with their quality of life, studying both the role variable of the internalized gender (masculine, feminine, androgynous, undifferentiated) and the academic performance of the young. The study is transversal and participative 450 students of middle school, with ages between 12 and 16years, who were evaluated by a battery of tests. As results were found that there are differences in the quality of life in relation to gender and roles, being also relevant academic performance, which is related especially to the school environment. It is concluded that adolescence is a stage where the capacity to assess the vitality and well-being of the critical and conscious form increases, although there are differences in the levels of quality of life in the function of gender and gender roles. The androgynous role favors a greater well-being, leaving aside the conception of sexual typing: masculine man, feminine woman. It is also important to consider the school environments where adolescents live, which are related to the quality of life.

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