
Globally, genetically modified (GM) crops contribute to food security by increasing crop yield, quality and shelf-life. The commercialisation and adoption of GM crops in many developed countries raised hope of improving food security and livelihood. Africa, a developing continent facing malnutrition, food crises and inadequate food production technologies has been slow to accept GM crops. The hesitancy to accept GM crops emanates from unfavourable policies shaped by public opinion, despite its potential for achieving the zero-hunger agenda. Impeding factors hampering the adoption of GM technology necessitate biosecurity regulations on GM crops to monitor the crop biosafety, environmental and health concerns. Herein, we reviewed GM crops status and adoption in Africa and possible constraints to their acceptance amidst some commercialised GM crops in African countries. Efforts aimed at improving GM adoption in Africa should include the provision of adequate monitoring and surveillance system, science-based policies, political will and a robust public education on GM technology.

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