
Following [1] we study a QCD-like gauge theory using a non-supersymmetric setup in type IIB string theory. The setup includes an O3 plane and N D3 anti-branes and it realises a USp(2N) ‘electric’ gauge theory with four “quarks” in the two-index antisymmetric representation and six heavy scalars in the adjoint representation. Using S-duality we obtain a dual ‘magnetic’ theory that includes SO(2N−1) gauge theory with six scalars in the adjoint representation and four heavy “quarks” in the two-index symmetric representation. The dual theory provides a description of confinement and dynamical symmetry breaking of the form SU(4)→SO(4). We extend the results of [1] by adding masses to the quarks in the electric side and deriving parts of the chiral Lagrangian using the dual magnetic theory. In particular, we derive the Gell-Mann-Oakes-Renner (GMOR) relation for Nambu-Goldstone bosons (pions) using the magnetic theory.

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