
In connection with the 90th anniversary of Professor Rogov, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, (1930-2008) the paper presents a review of his main publications. The activity of the scientist as an organizer of research and academic activities at higher school is described. Prof. Rogov and his students have made a significant contribution to the study of geoecological problems of water resources in southern Siberia, the development of theoretical foundations and technologies for the implementation of governmental programs to provide the population with drinking water. The scientific heritage of Prof. Rogov became a classic and is in demand for databases on reserves and quality of mineral waters in the West Siberian region; estimation of ecological and hydrogeological consequences of intensive operation of underground waters by large water intake facilities; studying the problems geo-ecological safety of urbanized territories.


  • In connection with the 90th anniversary of Professor Rogov, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, (1930-2008) the paper presents a review of his main publications

  • Rogov and his students have made a significant contribution to the study of geoecological problems of water resources in southern Siberia, the development of theoretical foundations and technologies for the implementation of governmental programs to provide the population with drinking water

  • Эколого-экономические аспекты эксплуатации подземных вод Обь-Томского междуречья / под редакцией Г.М

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G.M. ROGOV’S SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL IDEAS IN GEOECOLOGICAL, GEOTECHNICAL AND HYDRO-GEOLOGICAL PROBLEMS OF WEST SIBERIA For citation: Lukashevich O.D. Idei G.M. Rogova i ego nauchnoi shkoly v rabotakh po geoekologicheskim, inzhenerno-geologicheskim i gidrogeologicheskim problemam Zapadnoi Sibiri [G.M. Rogov’s scientific school ideas in geoecological, geotechnical and hydro-geological problems of West Siberia]. Рогов создал условия для формирования и развития новых научных направлений и самоподдерживаемой, готовой к постоянному обновлению образовательной системы нашего вуза – ТГАСУ, в прошлом ТГАСА, ТИСИ. Под его руководством и при непосредственном участии проведены исследования и оценка ресурсов подземных вод Присалаирской полосы и Центрального юрского артезианского бассейна Кузбасса, изучались гидрогеологические условия Осиновского, Уропского, Караканского и ряда других месторождений угля, гидрогеохимические особенности угленосных отложений, проводились изыскания источников водоснабжения комплексов Никитинских и Ильинских шахт в Ленинском и Ерунаковском районах.

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