
Genetically modified crops are to be considered future crops as great quantities of food will be required to meet the needs of the global population explosion. Like two sides of a coin, some experts claim that GM crops are not safe because of insufficient evidence of their effect on human health and the environment whereas others have no issues and they consider them to be completely safe to consume. Therefore, GM crops always remain a matter of suspicious credibility, especially for a new researcher or scientist, in terms of their effect on human health, toxicity, and environmental issues. Nevertheless, GM foods have become a part of the normal diet in North and South America and in China, but not in Europe, where contention continues regarding their safety considerations. The arguments about these crops started with the FDA’s approval of the first GM crop – Flavr Savr tomato – in 1994 and is still ongoing. The global scientific community has been divided into two parts as a result of these arguments and this seems to have become a never-ending situation.

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