
The stratum corneum (SC) matures during late gestation in man and other mammals. Using the fetal rat as an experimental model, we have previously shown that glucocorticoids given in pharmacologic doses accelerate fetal SC maturation and barrier formation. To determine whether glucocorticoids are required for normal SC maturation, we examined the epidermal morphology of glucocorticoid-deficient (C-) murine pups, derived from matings of mice homozygous for null mutations of the corticotropin-releasing hormone alleles. In control pups on day 17.5 of gestation (term is 19.5 d), a multilayered SC was present and neutral lipid deposition in a membrane pattern was observed using Nile red fluorescence histochemistry. Ultrastructurally, mature lamellar unit structures predominate in the SC intercellular domains. In contrast, in C-pups only a single layer of SC was evident on day 17.5, and secreted lamellar material was not organized into mature lamellar structures. Furthermore, the expression of structural proteins necessary for cornified envelope formation, involucrin, loricrin, and filaggrin, and the activity of the lipid synthetic enzymes beta-glucocerebrosidase and steroid sulfatase, markers of barrier maturation, were reduced in day 17.5 C-pups. C-pups derived from pregnancies supplemented with physiologic amounts of cortisone, however, display normal SC ultrastructure on day 17.5 of gestation. Furthermore, at birth, both control and C-pups exhibit a multilayered SC replete with mature lamellar membrane structures. These data demonstrate that fetal glucocorticoid deficiency delays SC maturation, and suggests that normal levels of glucocorticoids are not absolutely required for SC development.

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