
Recent investigations have broadened the spectrum of biochemical influence of glucagon in animals and man. We studied effects the of glucagon on sheep thyroid adenylcyclase, endocytosis, glucose oxidation and phospholipogenesis in vitro,and on mouse thyroid radioiodine uptake and release in vivo. Glucagon, 10−6 to 10−4M, caused a doserelated 3- to 5-fold increase in thyroid adenyl cyclase activity. Combinationsof glucagon and maximal doses of thyrotropin (TSH) reduced enzymic stimulation below that achieved with either peptide alone, whereas combinations of glucagon or TSH and maximal concentrations of sodium fluoride were additive on cyclase. The effects of TSH and glucagon, but not of NaF, on thyroid adenyl cyclase were abolished by adrenergic blockers. Glucagon, 10−6 to 10−4M, stimulated sheep thyroid slice glucose oxidation and phospholipogenesis in a dose-related manner.Combinations of submaximal doses of TSH and glucagon produced additive effects on thyroidslice metabolism but maximally effective co...

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