
1Time-scale representation of voiced speech is applied to voice quality analysis, by introducing the Line of Maximum Amplitude (LoMA) method. This representation takes advantage of the tree patterns observed for voiced speech periods in the time-scale domain. For each period, the optimal LoMA is computed by linking amplitude maxima at each scale of a wavelet transform, using a dynamic programming algorithm. A time-scale analysis of the linear acoustic model of speech production shows several interesting properties. The LoMA points to the glottal closure instants. The LoMA phase delay is linked to the voice open quotient. The cumulated amplitude along the LoMA is related to voicing amplitude. The LoMA spectral centre of gravity is an indication of voice spectral tilt. Following these theoretical considerations, experimental results are reported. Comparative evaluation demonstrates that the LoMA is an effective method for the detection of Glottal Closure Instants (GCI). The effectiveness of LoMA analysis for open quotient, amplitude and spectral tilt estimations is also discussed with the help of some examples.

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