
One of the typical nearshore regions for the shared service model is Central-Eastern Europe including Hungary. An important aim of this research was to get an overall picture about the Hungarian and Central-Eastern European shared service market and to clarify the tendency of progress and another aim was to examine the most important global trends in this field and analyze the business practices in the Hungarian shared service centers. The research used two kinds of methodology. On the one hand, there was an interview series to characterize the market progress and the global market trends. On the other hand, there was an online questionnaire for Hungarian Shared Service Centers to examine the main characteristics and presence of global trends. The research could disclose the market progress due to analysis of numbers and headcounts of Hungarian shared service centers. It succeeded to identify the main characteristics of market players and the level of integration into the global business service market. The research ensured that there are some structural problems in the market, but the progress is continuous.

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