
<b>Aim:</b> Discussing the situation of the global sector of fuels he was in which as a result of economic results of epidemic koronawirusa. She was introduced by making analysis of behaviors of individual crucial players of the market of such fuels as Russian Federation, USA, PRC, states of the Near East region. It was a purpose of authors comparison of the situation of the sector from before the outbreak of pandemic to of the one during her greatest development as well as finding the reply or at least drawing forecasts, of prospects for the sector of fuels in the foreseeable future. <br><b>Material and methods:</b> examinations in frames conducted, analysis a literature on the subject of researches was used into forms of monographs, articles in forms clenched, materials of analytical centers as well as materials bibliography of internet texts. Methods were used for examinations: case study and scenario analysis with the most turning over of authors appropriate to scientific challenges standing before them. <br><b>Results:</b> They effected summing up and systematizing messages including problems of the widely defined global market of fuels with particular reference to of production, transfer and distribution of petroleum and natural gas. Prospects of the development of the situation were drawn. <br><b>Conclusions:</b> The Value of the study consists on expressing important issues, in it especially forecasts, prospects connected with the contemporary market of fuels in it of influence of epidemic on the rundown of fuels, safeties of their transfer and distribution, finally moving meaning of economic factors closer to the market development of fuels.

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