
The major goal of the article is to examine the nature, speed, susceptibility, and an effect of the environmental catastrophe in a global perspective. The study will concentrate on several climate change agendas. With a focus on the Indo-Bangla Diaspora, it seeks to examine numerous environmental crises and challenges relating to global warming. The environmental catastrophe, which is now the most urgent issue on the planet, is also a threat to human life. There is currently scientific agreement that if greenhouse gas emissions are not reduced, humanity will suffer serious effects. Millions of people in underdeveloped countries are expected to experience water shortages, food grain shortages, and increased health and life hazards. Most of the world's cities may flood because of climate change. This could force hundreds of millions of people to leave their homes. They have already started to suffer; there will be deaths, and the environment will collapse. The environmental catastrophe of today is more artificial than natural. Experts propose a worldwide political accord to address the growing issue. Through the worldwide platform of the climate change agenda and discussions throughout time, this article has acquired a thorough grasp of the problem and its potential solutions. The world urgently needs an effective environmental and climatic management policy, as human sensitivity to climatic calamity is growing every single day.

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