
1 Parsimony analysis of endemicity (PAE) was used to assess patterns in the distribution of harpacticoid copepods (all freshwater species and stream species only) at global and regional scales. These analyses provided a focus for reviewing large scale patterns and processes in freshwater meiofauna. 2 On a global scale, PAE suggested that large-scale biogeographical events have been most important in shaping present-day distributions in the Canthocamptidae. A small proportion (4%) of canthocamptid species were widespread (i.e. occurred in more than one biogegraphical region), suggesting that dispersal may also play a role in determining distribution at the species level. Global distribution patterns for other meiofauna suggest varying roles for dispersal and vicariant events. No consistent latitudinal trends in species diversity were evident, although a lack of distributional data for many regions, and uncertainty over the status of many cosmopolitan species, precludes more robust analyses. Molecular techniques should prove useful in identifying truly cosmopolitan taxa. 3 On a regional scale, a PAE within Western Europe demonstrated a clear link between the distribution of canthocamptid species and the extent of the Last (Wiechselian) glaciation. Northern and southern areas of Europe contain distinctive harpacticoid faunas and the recolonisation of northern Europe appears to have been from the Balkans rather than other Mediterranean peninsulae. The high harpacticoid diversity in southern Europe, may reflect a lack of glacial disruption of groundwater habitats. 4 A PAE of lotic data for harpacticoid copepods within the Holarctic reflected the global PAE for freshwater harpacticoids as a whole, but not the regional PAE. A high proportion of stream-dwelling harpacticoids are widespread species, but only one (Bryocamptus zschokkei) was found in streams across the Holarctic. Other cosmopolites were restricted to streams in Europe or North America, suggesting that species‘ niche requirements might differ among regions. There appeared to be some convergence in the composition of lotic copepod communities in terms of the number of species within genera. 5 We conclude that large-scale processes inevitably have a major influence on the local composition of lotic meiofaunal communities, but that the relative importance of small scale vs. large scale processes is unclear at present, largely due to a paucity of suitable data.

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