
A study of plasma turbulence and profile evolution in conditions of low (L-mode) and high (H-mode) confinement at the edge of an axisymmetric, nested circular flux-surface approximation to an inner wall limited (IWL) Alcator C-Mod discharge is presented, using numerical simulations with the global drift-ballooning (GDB) code. GDB solves drift-reduced Braginskii two-fluid equations for electromagnetic low-frequency turbulence in a 3D annulus centered on the last closed flux-surface (LCFS). Three simulations that investigate the conditions of a reference L-mode, a high density, and a high temperature (or H-mode-like) shot were performed using realistic parameters. L-mode transport appears to be largely driven by drift resistive ballooning structures. Its pressure profile exhibits a near-SOL breakpoint that Mirror Langmuir Probes (MLP) detect in C-Mod. The high density simulation sees an increase in the size of convective cells and enhanced turbulent transport, while H-mode conditions develop improved confinement, balanced and ion diamagnetic drifts in the closed-flux region, and spontaneous generation of temperature pedestal with a density pedestal remaining absent. A statistical characterization of the turbulence both in the SOL and the closed-flux region is presented.

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