
Nasal tumors composed wholly or in part of brain tissue are rare. They were first described by Berger<sup>1</sup>1890. In 1928 Eckert-Möbius,<sup>2</sup>in a review of the literature, could find only 11 recorded. Since then several others have been reported. Such a growth may appear in any part of the nose and is in all cases congenital. It shows little or no tendency to grow, and there is no record of metastases in any instance. In some cases the growth has recurred after removal (probably incomplete), necessitating reoperation. According to site, there are three types, extranasal, intranasal and mixed intranasal and extranasal. In the majority of instances the growth has been of the extranasal type, the most frequent site being over the dorsum of the nose, immediately below the glabella. Here the growth takes the form of a firm elastic circumscribed mass, firmly attached to the skin and somewhat less

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