
Bu calismada Giresun ilinde findik tariminin aktif olarak yapildigi Temmuz ve Agustos aylarinda artan ciddi el yaralanma vakalari gozden gecirildi. Bu amacla 2006-2008 yillari Temmuz ve Agustos aylarinda hastanemize ciddi el yaralanmasi ile basvuran 70 hasta retrospektif olarak incelendi. Hastalar yas, cinsiyet, yaralanmanin tipi, tedavinin sekli ve fonksiyonel sonuclar acisindan degerlendirildi. Hastalarin 51’i erkek, 19’u bayandi ve yas dagilimi 20-65 arasinda degisti. Vakalarin 20’sinde cilt defekti, 40’inda ise kompleks yumusak doku defekti mevcuttu. 45 vakada parmak amputasyonu mevcut olup bunlarin 32’si Distal Interfalangeal Eklem (DIP) duzeyinden ve 24’u birden fazla parmak amputasyonu seklindeydi. 22’vakada ise amputasyon parsiyeldi. Kompleks yumusak doku defekti olan hastalara birden fazla sayida operasyon uygulandi. Tam ya da kismi ampute parmak vakalarinda, replantasyona uygun 6 vaka disindakilere amputasyon ve guduk onarimi yapildi. Sonuc olarak bu ve benzeri calismalardan elde edilecek veriler isiginda toplumda maddi ve manevi kayiplara neden olan ciddi el yaralanmalarinin onlenmesinin mumkun olabilecegini dusunuyoruz. Severe hand injury cases in hazelnut farmers in Giresun: a retrospective study In this study, we analized severe hand injury cases that were frequently seen between June and August months in Giresun. Seventy patients with severe hand injuries that had been admitted to our hospital in 2006-2008 were handled retrospectively. Patients were explored according to sex, pattern of injury, type of treatment and functional results. 51 patients were men and 19 were female. Age pattern was 20-65 year. Skin defects were in 20 cases, complex soft tissue injuries were in 40 cases. 45 cases with digital amputations were seperated as single, multiple, complet, partial, from distal interphalangeal joint (DIP), proximal (PIP) and metacarpophalangeal joint (MCP) level. 32 cases were from DIP level. In 24 patients, amputation was multiple and 22 amputation cases were partial. Patients with complex soft tissue injuries were treated by multi-stage operations. In total or partial digital amputation cases, only six cases were performed replantation. The other amputation cases were treated by stump reconstruction. In conclusion, in light of the obtaining this knowledges from the literature, it has been opinion would be able to prevent severe hand injuries those giving rise to important spiritual and material losses in societies.

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