
Does Qualitative Network Analysis Exist??. Social network analy sis was formed and established in the 1970s as a way of analyzing systems of social relations. In this review the theoretical-methodological standpoint of so cial network (structural analysis) is introduced and the different forms of social network are presented. Structural argues that social actors and social relations are embedded in social networks, meaning that action and perception of actors as well as the performance of social rela tions are influenced by the network structure. Since the 1990s structural analy sis has integrated concepts such as agency, discourse and symbolic orientation and in this way structural has opened itself. Since then there has been increasing use of methods in network analysis. They are used to in clude the perspective of the analyzed actors, to explore networks, and to under stand network dynamics. In the reviewed book, edited by Betina HOLLSTEIN and Florian STRAUS, the twenty predominantly empirically orientated contri butions demonstrate the possibilities of combining quantitative and methods in network analyses in different research fields. In this review we ex amine how the contributions succeed in applying and developing the structural perspective, and the self-positioning of qualitative network analysis is evaluated.

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