
Using first-principles calculations, we investigate the tunneling electroresistance (TER) of ferroelectric tunnel junctions [$\mathrm{Pt}/{\mathrm{BaTiO}}_{3}\text{(BTO)}/{\mathrm{SrTiO}}_{3}(\mathrm{STO})/\mathrm{Pt}$]. It is found that the TER of Pt/BTO/STO/Pt junctions can be greatly increased with increasing thickness of STO layers. The underlying physics of this giant TER is the switchable two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) at a nonpolar BTO/STO interface induced by the ferroelectric polarization. Our calculations show that when the ferroelectric polarization is pointing from BTO to STO, a 2DEG forms at the interface and acts as bridge for electrons to tunnel through the junctions. Nevertheless, there is no 2DEG at the interface under the opposite direction of the ferroelectric polarization, which results in a large tunnel resistance. More importantly, this ferroelectrically switchable 2DEG leads to a low resistance area product for Pt/BTO/STO/Pt junctions, which offers good compatibility with other components in an integrated circuit and is highly desired for industrial applications.

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