
We work with a group of vulnerable women in a local community. Once a month, they come together to socialize and learn. The women want to increase their knowledge and skills concerning healthy nutrition. We experience that the existing methods and materials are insufficiently adapted to their specific needs. Can you help us translate evidence based methodologies into a practical tool we can implement during our group activities?’ This question was submitted by a social development organisation to Logo Limburg. It became the start for the project ‘Gezond Ge(s)maakt’.
 ‘Gezond Ge(s)maakt’ or ‘Healthy Tasted’ shows the added value of cooperation between a public health organisation (Logo Limburg) and a social development organisation (SAAMO Limburg). By working together, each from their own expertise, and with a clear focus on the targeted people, the impact of their actions is enhanced. Also, the focus on proportional universalism is always top of mind for both organisations. SAAMO Limburg is an expert in enforcing vulnerable people through a community based approach. The social workers are in close contact with their clients, they know the best way to reach and enforce them. Logo Limburg is a regional expert in health promotion. As a network organisation, they have a clear overview on state of the art methodologies and projects developed by expert organisations. This collaboration and the participation of the target group itself, had a synergistic effect. ‘Healthy tasted’ combines previously developed instruments to a tool that is adjusted, easy to implement and fun. 
 'Healthy tasted' comes in a large box containing ten folders. Each folder represents one specific theme (healthy snacks, picnic, healthy nutrition for children and parenting, healthy holidays, Flemish dishes, … ). These subject were all suggested by the target group itself. During 10 months, our pilotgroup covered one theme a month. The methodology contains all necessary materials for the teacher. It consists of basic theoretical background information, questions to start the conversation on the topic, an exercise or game, and 9 recipes. Each session starts with an educational part, than they prepare a healthy meal (one of the recipes) and enjoy eating together.
 A great advantage is that anyone can use the tool, no prior knowledge on healthy nutrition is needed. Based on their own experience with a specific target group, instructors will be able to translate the content to the needs of the target group.
 The project was evaluated several times by the health promotors of Logo Limburg, the social workers of SAAMO Limburg and the target group. It turned out to be a success. The women indicated they learned a lot about healthy food and applied it in their own families. Their knowledge and skills on healthy nutrition and cooking were enhanced. The integrated collaboration between Logo Limburg and SAAMO was a prerequisite for this success. . This positive evaluation and the existing needs for this theme among the target groups has ensured ‘Healthy Tasted’ was up-scaled and made available for other organisations, starting in Limburg and soon all over Flanders.

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