
Two experimentally unrelated approaches are converging to give a first low-resolution solution to the question of the three-dimensional organization of the ribosomal RNA from Escherichia coli. The first of these is the continued use of biochemical techniques, such as cross-linking, that provide information on the relative locations of different regions of the RNA. In particular, recent data identifying RNA regions that are juxtaposed to functional ligands such as mRNA or tRNA have been used to construct improved topographical models for the 16S and 23S RNA. The second approach is the application of high-resolution reconstruction techniques from electron micrographs of ribosomes in vitreous ice. These methods have reached a level of resolution at which individual helical elements of the ribosomal RNA begin to be discernible. The electron microscopic data are currently being used in our laboratory to refine the biochemically derived topographical RNA models.

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