
Considering the current world conjuncture and the outline of the Brazilian public education policies, this article has the objective of reflecting on the democratic adminis­tration, especially concerning the forms of participation of the community. Thus, we used the concepts of egalitarian dialog and critical communicative methodology, authorized by theoreticians of the nucleus of investigation and social and educative action (niase/ uFsCar), which develops a research in three public elementary schools regarded as Lear­ning Communities in san Carlos/sP. in the survey, we intended to find out the perceptions of students and and their families as to their participation in school. according to quanti­tative data, for these families, participating meant going to meetings, but in the interaction (by means of the egalitarian dialog) they also revealed that it meant being part of their children’s lives, including education. The obstacles reported were availability of time and will to participate. The families point out the lack of flexibility of times for meetings and the need for more communication by schools. according to the students, participating is cooperating with colleagues and being part is to be present and to make decisions. They affirm that they participate with ideals and suggestions and are frequently heard.

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