Family ministry in a postmodern church. The aim of the article is to reflect on the necessity for family ministry in the church today, and to explore different models and methods for doing it. This article must be understood against the backdrop of the challenges facing mainline churches, of which the decline in numbers, the lack of support for programmes and initiatives on behalf of families, and the apparent inability to minister effectively to young people, are the most pressing. Since the early church there has been a close relationship between church and home. Not only did rituals and liturgies spill from the gathered congregation into homes; metaphors from family life also provided images and language to the early church. In the last few decades there has been a rekindled interest in the home as the primary incubator for faith formation. Several books, articles, organisations, programs, consultants and churches have described their approach as ‘family ministry’. From a practical-theological viewpoint, there must be a set of criteria by which these approaches could be evaluated. This article aims to contribute in this regard, and to critique different approaches to family ministry.
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The aim of the article is to reflect on the necessity for family ministry in the church today, and to explore different models and methods for doing it
Since the early church there has been a close relationship between church and home
Affiliation: 1Department of Practical Theology, Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, South Africa. Dit is waarskynlik ’n meer aanvaarbare vertaling van die Engelse begrip ‘Family Ministry’, maar familie verwys primêr na persone wat bloedverwante is Die geestelike en emosionele welstand van gesinne is nie alleen voordelig vir ouers, kinders en gemeenskappe nie, maar ook vir gemeentes (Van Staden & Dreyer 2013:1). ’n Verweefdheid tussen die bediening van gemeentes en gesinne word reeds in vroeë Christelike gemeentes gevind: Because the early church met in homes, sacred actions around rituals and common meals in the gathered ecclesia spilled into home life. Home in such contexts became a little church. Browning 2007:226–235; Heitink 2007:20, 351–354; Roberto 2010:11–12; Smith & Denton 2005:172–181; Thatcher 1999:117–118)
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