
Gesture Controlled Car is a robot which can be controlled by simple human gestures. The user just needs to wear a gesture device in which a sensor is included. The sensor will record the movement of hand in a specific direction which will result in the motion of the robot in the respective directions. The robot and the Gesture instrument are connected wirelessly through radio waves. User can interact with the robot in a more friendly way due to the wireless communication. We can control the car using accelerometer sensors connected to a hand glove. The sensors are intended to replace the remote control that is generally used to run the car. It will allow user to control the forward, backward, leftward and rightward movements, while using the same accelerometer sensor to control the throttle of the car. Movement of car is controlled by the differential mechanism. The mechanism involves the rotation of both forth & rear wheels of left or right side to move in the anticlockwise direction and the other pair to rotate in the clockwise direction which makes the car to rotate about its own axis without any kind of forward or backward motion. The main advantage of this mechanism is the car with this mechanism can take sharp turn without any difficulty. The design and implementation of a gesture control robotic arm using flex sensor is proposed. The robotic arm is designed in such a way that it consists of four movable fingers, each with three linkages, an opposing thumb, a rotating wrist and an elbow. The robotic arm is made to imitate the human hand movements using a hand glove.

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