
Germany is the fourth largest economy in the world, after the USA, China, and Japan, but Germany still needs huge amount of skilled labour especially skilled Indian migrant labour. This Study provides a descriptive analysis of the need for skilled Indian migrant labour in Germany, and according to BAMF (the federal office for migration and refugees), most highly educated Indians are shifting to Germany every year, not only for higher education and employment but also for business purposes, and Germany also needs them, for whom the Federal Republic of Germany tries to make an attractive immigration policy as well as act for skilled workers. But question is arising: why does Germany need skilled Indian migrant labour? Why does Germany want the most a greater number of Indian migrants except Chinese migrants? What does Germany do to attract Indian Migrants? What is the policy for them if they want to work there and try to integrate into German society? This Study was carried out using the labour migration and pull and push migration theory as a method, which includes newspapers, magazines, books, documents from government agencies, related articles, annual reports etc.

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