
Sporting Art is a unique genre of fine arts. This article visualizes selected works of fine art by respecting the historical context of gymnastics, sports, and games in Germany. This context opens up a specific perspective and interpretation of sport history, which differs from that of art history. However, the methodological approach of respecting and interpreting selected works of Sporting Art is hopefully an insightful mixture of both sport and art history. Sporting motifs in art history are relevant for a sport historical approach, given that the painter or artist is presumably attempting to capture and express the spirit of his subject, which he as an artist recognizes and feels subjectively. An artistic painting of sport is surely far more than a photo including sporting motifs, through the artistic construction of contemporary sporting reality – seen and created by an artist. Sporting art even, in this wider sense of the term, is just one form of various visual sources in general and artistic work on sports and games. Both are worthy of respect, in order to achieve a better understanding of the past of gymnastics, sports, and games.

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