
Researchers of artistic works of art use mainly theoretical and empirical research methods, as well as conceptual provisions of the theory of fine art. These methods are used in comparative historical, formal, iconographic and structural analyses. In addition to these methods, another approach to the study of both individual works of art and the history of art as a whole is proposed. The article describes one of the main methods used by artists of various eras, but most vividly in modern art, in modernism, post- and metamodernism - is quoting, which the authors of the article define as intertextual links between works of art. The concept of intertextuality is more developed in literary studies and linguistics, but since a work of fine art is also a text, the use of this concept is applicable to it. The formalization of intertextual connections of works of art is necessary in order to theorize one of the important theoretical methods of studying a literary text — intertextual analysis. To simplify the work of researchers, various types of intertextual connections were classified according to the statuses of the artistic image of the theory of fine art by V. I. Zhukovsky. This classification will help researchers of the artistic image in the analysis of works of art to distinguish intertextual analysis into a separate stage of research. In addition, this classification can be used as the basis for the principle of studying the history of art, especially the art of modernism, postmodernism and metamodernism, as opposed to the generally accepted chronological system of constructing the history of art.

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